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11:27 a.m. - 2008-09-07

The fire burns,
and sparks fly.
That's what life is,
that is where we go...

To consume with the
vigilance of an animal,
freeing the mind of
the complications,
but with the peace and
wisdom of meditation,
to bring a sense of

To pour one's heart out
in every conversation
with a stranger.
To live like one wants to,
whilst the world rants
about how it's not their style.

To be independent,
and not follow any engraved-
in-stone set of rules,
but to follow one's morals,
to be the only one to choose.

To inspire the friends
and lift them up when they're
feeling down.

To raise awareness in
the community, of where they
are on shaky ground.

To live, and to die,
with the pursuit of one's dreams,
to never give up,
but to be accepting not only
of the things
that come and go,
as change passes by,
but also of a place for everyone,
as everyone in their own way,
has a wish for which they will try.

Donald R. Anderson



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